What did you eat today?

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Breakfast of champions. My wife is laughing at me. The first egg I tried to crack into the pot turned out to be boiled. 😂 I was like, WTF? And she was all “ummm, yeah. I boiled some eggs. Apparently she had told me the ones on the far side of the carton were boiled. Which added insult to injury, because now she could say, “I told you that you never listen to me!” 🙄
All I wanted was some Ramen, man! It was good though.
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Wow, that looks killer. Looks kinda spicy. That reminds me of Japan. Nice job. Did you like it? 🇯🇵
What’s the name of the restaurant again? Where are they?
That’s why for me too. The grill before and after they close. I’d eat a meal off the kitchen floor they keep it so clean.

There are all smash burgers, they are 1/3lb pucks of fresh 80/20 smashed on the grill at 450 for 1 min each side. My kid works there currently. Unless they messed up your order? I’ll make me a mean burger at home too but like I said for fast food, IMO the best.

When they have walleye sangwitches during lent, unbelievable for FF.

Guess I just have the worst luck. The walleye sandwich they served me was so greasy I could squeeze it out. Not kidding. The friend with me was shocked. I declined a replacement. Haven't been back.
Guess I just have the worst luck. The walleye sandwich they served me was so greasy I could squeeze it out. Not kidding. The friend with me was shocked. I declined a replacement. Haven't been back.
Well, then go eat a Portillos beef sangweech then, they got one in Woodbury. (y)
Breakfast of champions. My wife is laughing at me. The first egg I tried to crack into the pot turned out to be boiled. 😂 I was like, WTF? And she was all “ummm, yeah. I boiled some eggs. Apparently she had told me the ones on the far side of the carton were boiled. Which added insult to injury, because now she could say, “I told you that you never listen to me!” 🙄
All I wanted was some Ramen, man! It was good though.
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That dark stuff on the top looks like bear scat. I'm sure it was good though.
Is that baked beans and beef on the side? That is Kryptonite to my low-carb eating plans. :p

I just had a delicious protein power bowl of leftover taco seasoned shredded beef with sour cream, cheese, hot sauce and a glass of ultra-filtered low-carb milk to break my 16+ hour fast today. Only 450 calories and 8g of carbs but 55g of protein!

^ Nice! Hopefully, you didn't ruin your plating by pairing it with some stupid vegetables. 💪

I had an air-fried cubed steak with some Primal Kitchen BBQ sauce, and low-carb yogurt and milk for dessert for lunch at 5 PM. Fiber is over-rated. :D


^ Nice! Hopefully, you didn't ruin your plating by pairing it with some stupid vegetables. 💪

I had an air-fried cubed steak with some Primal Kitchen BBQ sauce, and low-carb yogurt and milk for dessert for lunch at 5 PM. Fiber is over-rated. :D

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The rack I did last week I wolfed down like an assshole by myself. This one I’ve got some steamed cauliflower topped with sour cream, my own 6 cheese shred, and bacon. Got a late night of finishing up graphics on (4) bodies, and a ton of knife work ahead of me..😅🤷🏻‍♂️
The rack I did last week I wolfed down like an assshole by myself. This one I’ve got some steamed cauliflower topped with sour cream, my own 6 cheese shred, and bacon. Got a late night of finishing up graphics on (4) bodies, and a ton of knife work ahead of me..😅🤷🏻‍♂️
That all sounds delicious. Cauliflower and broccoli with cheese/cream sauce was one of my favorite dishes, even as a kid, long before I had ever heard of keto, LOL.
That all sounds delicious. Cauliflower and broccoli with cheese/cream sauce was one of my favorite dishes, even as a kid, long before I had ever heard of keto, LOL.
This one is just quick, and topped-but I DO make a super mean Cauliflower Cheese…

And a fellow vaper. (y) 🚭

I switched from smoking to vapes in 2015 and have been making my e-liquid myself for almost as long. I have a good 10+ years worth of 100mg/ml nicotine in the chest freezer.