I hate Fakebook… (just an aggravated rant…)

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So I’m not big on social media, and genuinely miss the high traffic, good content, discussion forums of old… I know, I know; I’m ON a discussion forum, lol.. This is LITERALLY the only one I’m on these days. I may have accounts at all of my old online stomping grounds for 1:1 racecars, and hotrods, but RC-wise; they’re literally all gonezo. Not a fan of RCTech.whatever, truggyracers is lonnnnnnng gone, 3diffs shut down, RCCNA is over with, NCBashers, etc….

It took me YEEEEEEEEARS to finally cave, and open a Fakebook acct, and primarily did it strictly because I got tired of feeling like some weirdo everytime another girl asked me if they “could add me”… I guess I’m old school, and if I wanna “keep up” with friends, and family, I actually hang out with them, stay in touch, or give them a shout…

Anyyyyyyway…. I eventually opened a “marketplace only” profile to keep that poop separate from my routine/mundane BS profile/acct. I’ve bought, built, and parted out SEVERAL 1:1 racecars/hotrods over the years, and require some sort of venue for the buying/selling… After the decline of the majority of the forums I’d frequent, and as much of a dumpsterfire that Craigslist is, it was the only logical choice imo.. I’ve since deleted my original account, and don’t regret it, or miss it one bit. So now all I have is my “alter-ego” marketplace only account, which does have maybe 3-4 cellphone scroll swipes worth of action total just to at least not come off as a fake acct/or scammer.. Has done its job in that respect as far as I can tell. I’m also on a handful of RC Groups, and am a moderator as well..

Now I don’t do this as a side job by any stretch of the term, but I do buy, sell, trade, etc., to help keep the hobby going for myself, as is the nature of RC in general, and the funds always go right back into the mix.. Probably sold roughly $8k worth of RC stuff in the last 45 days or so.. I had not met the forum criteria to start selling here, as I believe I became a member around December 15th I wanna say..


Over the past month or so, every single time I make a well worded, and properly formed listing on Fakebook, less than 10min later, I get a notification saying they’ve taken it down as it goes against their standards/community guidelines, or whatever the fiddlestick.. I first look over the listing for any obvious errors, or something that may be tripping off the bots, algorithms, or otherwise setting red flags, and I. See. Nothing. Wrong. 😳🤬

I’ve filed re-reviews, appeals, etc., and even completely redone the listings, to no avail… And honestly I wanna choke the poop outta someone.. I won’t sit here and say I’m being singled out, as I’m not THAT narcissistic, but Jesus… I boot scammers, and regulate bullshiiit listings all dammmiiit daaaay, and I’m being told by some bot that I’m infringing on someone’s intellectual property, selling counterfeit items, using fake photos, and hurting somebody’s feelings….

How freaking hard is it to simply sell off a couple brand new, high end Italian nitro engines?!?!?

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Why did you open an account after so many years? don't you read and see what it does to others. They all go stupid and ripped off under the cover of beeing a plattform for friendship and meeting people. I don't know how long it will take until all realize that they are giving up to much for what they get. I have deleted my account many years ago and never regreded it. Old school email and community sites are what it should be. Everything else is actually crap.
Why did you open an account after so many years? don't you read and see what it does to others. They all go stupid and ripped off under the cover of beeing a plattform for friendship and meeting people. I don't know how long it will take until all realize that they are giving up to much for what they get. I have deleted my account many years ago and never regreded it. Old school email and community sites are what it should be. Everything else is actually crap.
Apparently reading comprehension pwns you… 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️
Whats Facebook?

Never seen that book. Is it in the library?