I’m going to let the universe decide.

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I think shadows is just trying to be supportive.like everyone else here. Regardless if we know you personally or not we just want what's best for you.. truly the only one that knows what's best for you is you👍 I definitely suggest you smoke some bomb ass chronic cause

you sound cranky.you need something to take that edge off bud.

Cranky grumps..

angry clint eastwood GIF
Good luck.
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I didn’t read through the thread, but I hope you didn’t have one! It’s tough as hell, the cravings will still come but with time, you’ll be able to manage them easier :)
I also sworn off the McClown-Donalds.. Including my two little kids + wife, since 2020..

They ain't getting none of our money, period
Tex...really not my choice but I don't see any point of swearing off your family in addition to McDonald's. Keep them! They seem like good people.
Please don't start. I am not a smoker but just had 1 friend, a smoker her entire life, pass away last year from throat cancer. First they removed her voice box, then chemo but still could not get rid of her cancer and she died last year. Another friend again a life long smoker, lives on an oxygen tank, can't get out of his apartment because he will be out of breath, even on oxygen, so only leaves his apartment in wheelchair with friends help for doctors appointments. He is till alive if you can call it that.

So please don't start smoking again for your self and all friends and family who love you.
I smoked for many years. Chewed. Vaped. I would probably inject nicotine if I could get away with it. What a wonderful drug.

My 2 cents. Not a Dr. Not medical advice. DO NOT LISTEN TO ME.

That being said Nicotine is molecularly very similar to Caffeine another commonly used drug. That being said it is a drug. But in my opinion one that's not that bad. Nicotine also is one of the most powerful Nootropics on the planet... So its not all bad. I switched to the zyn pouches. Pure nicotine and food flavoring and that's it. And it has been a life changer for me. Quit if you feel you need to. Listen to your body and your DR and do what they say. But for me nicotine by itself is way too demonized and the real issue is with the delivery methods. As technology improves so does the safety for consumption.

This isn't coming from no where by the way. I have been a very high level position in the health and wellness industry for over 15 years. I understand how the body and substances you put in it work very well. AGAIIN that being said this is just my opinion from my research and you should do whatever is best for you.

No matter what tho. Inhaling smoke is terrible for you. And it will absolutely rob you of years with the people you love and you should not do it.

Also nothing is better than just not taking anything that disrupts your CNS so if its time for you to stop. Then its time for you to stop.

Caffeine isn’t a drug 🤦🏻‍♂️
Caffeine isn’t a drug 🤦🏻‍♂️
LOL there's always one..... All good since you made the post strictly to try and make me look dumb i got you <3

Caffeine is a naturally occurring central nervous system (CNS) stimulant of the methylxanthine class and is the most widely taken psychoactive stimulant globally.
source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/...,widely taken psychoactive stimulant globally.

Caffeine is a stimulant drug, which means it speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and the body.
Source: https://adf.org.au/drug-facts/caffeine/

Drug: Definition from oxford dictionary:

  1. a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.
Generic name: Caffeine
Brand names: NoDoz, Vivarin, Revive, Stay Awake, Enerjets, Lucidex
Drug class: CNS stimulants
Companies: various generic manufacturers, Novartis Consumer Health, Inc. (NoDoz), GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (Viviarin)

source: https://www.drugs.com/caffeine.html

I can keep going.... Literally for hours.. But I think you get the point. Being a drug doesn't inherently make it illegal.. Plenty of countries regulate the amount of caffine a product can contain and thinking its just harmless is not true. There is no biological free lunch. If you put something chemical in your body and it makes you feel something it has inherit pros and cons.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

Have a good day homie! Go play with some RC cars
LOL there's always one..... All good since you made the post strictly to try and make me look dumb i got you <3

Caffeine is a naturally occurring central nervous system (CNS) stimulant of the methylxanthine class and is the most widely taken psychoactive stimulant globally.
source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519490/#:~:text=Caffeine is a naturally occurring,widely taken psychoactive stimulant globally.

Caffeine is a stimulant drug, which means it speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and the body.
Source: https://adf.org.au/drug-facts/caffeine/

Drug: Definition from oxford dictionary:

  1. a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.
Generic name: Caffeine
Brand names: NoDoz, Vivarin, Revive, Stay Awake, Enerjets, Lucidex
Drug class: CNS stimulants
Companies: various generic manufacturers, Novartis Consumer Health, Inc. (NoDoz), GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (Viviarin)

source: https://www.drugs.com/caffeine.html

I can keep going.... Literally for hours.. But I think you get the point. Being a drug doesn't inherently make it illegal.. Plenty of countries regulate the amount of caffine a product can contain and thinking its just harmless is not true. There is no biological free lunch. If you put something chemical in your body and it makes you feel something it has inherit pros and cons.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

Have a good day homie! Go play with some RC cars
And this is precisely why I'm limited to half a cup. Cuz my body reacts to it much quicker than my brain and my brain can't keep up and this statement proves it!