What did you eat today?

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I have eaten quite a bit of stuff in my life, snake is something that I was never intrigued to try. Not that I think it's gross, cause I've eaten some pretty gross $hyt (by most ppl's standards), but just don't have any interest.
What's the draw to it?
I feel the same with gator. :sick:.
Iron Chef
Yes, Ive seen that show before 😉
I feel the same with gator. :sick:.
I've had gator, ehh. Tastes kinda like if a shark & chix mated...
I can respect anyone trying to save some coin though, groceries are expensive these days, LOL!
I can understand it from that perspective.
We tried escargot, snails. It succked. Love sushi and sashimi. 😁
I like snails, however if you have texture issues, prob not gonna fly. I like the ones in the shell stuffed with garlic butter vs canned. They remind me of Chinese Beef Tendon a bit
Ouch, I'd kill em all too, LOL. JK, maybe.. IDK, but over here in the northeast you have to go into the mountains to find rattle snakes generally. Not very common in my geographic thankfully. Hey, does that snake have a tumor or parasite growing out of it? Maybe it's a scar from ur dog biting back? LOL.

Anyways, I had some buffalo chicken egg rolls for lunch that my wife brought home from work yesterday, quite delish, but spicy foods tend to give me grief these days, hoping I don't "pay for it later" LOL.
We have no idea what it is have never seen that before it looked like a second rattle 🤔

We have a big Memorial Day bbq so lm going to Q it just for the fun of it I’ve cooked it before it ok I would never pay for it tastes like snake 🤣🤣
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We have no idea what it is have never seen that before it looked like a second rattle 🤔

We have a big Memorial Day bbq so lm going to Q it just for the fun of it I’ve cooked it before it ok I would never pay for it tastes like snake 🤣🤣
maybe marinate, cold smoke, dehydrate... Make some jerky out of it
We have no idea what it is have never seen that before it looked like a second rattle 🤔

We have a big Memorial Day bbq so lm going to Q it just for the fun of it I’ve cooked it before it ok I would never pay for it tastes like snake 🤣🤣
Can the head be saved via taxidermy? Maybe make a cool hood ornament or even paper weight.
How do you like your BlackStone grill I’m thinking about getting one
I love it, especially when I do strifry or breakfast foods. Afyer I got the burgers off I did 11/2 pounds of bacon on it. Super easy to clean too and once it's seasoned you don't have to fook with oils or butter or anything.

I will say it is a propane hungry grill though, 36" top with 4 burners.