Funny Pic Thread - No swearing. No sex. No complaining.

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I would never, repeat, NEVER get into a driverless vehicle and rely on this AI to negotiate the traffic. NEVER!!! I know it comes under the heading of 'progress', and we will see it sooner or later, but I'm sorry, it's not for me. I was in Vegas a few years back and saw a mini bus/limo with the same type of set up. No driver. It must have been some type of prototype. Funny looking thing. My buddy has a Tesla (sorry, I know there isn't supposed to be any foul language on this forum) and he can set it up for a driverless scenario, but he is always behind the wheel in case something goes south. I can only imagine something happening when there is no one to correct the AI screw up. What would they say? "OOPS, Sorry we killed your whole family, but look at the bright side, it's all in the name of progress" I'll pass, thanks just the same...

Haha, Yeah but in all fairness. None of us could get around that track either!

Problems not with AI Driving, ITS driving a Formula Car!! I bet the Tesla FDS could have done it if they were on the team.

I believe Full Drive Cars will be Safer than Humans. Statistically speaking - people cant drive overall.
I would never, repeat, NEVER get into a driverless vehicle and rely on this AI to negotiate the traffic. NEVER!!! I know it comes under the heading of 'progress', and we will see it sooner or later, but I'm sorry, it's not for me. I was in Vegas a few years back and saw a mini bus/limo with the same type of set up. No driver. It must have been some type of prototype. Funny looking thing. My buddy has a Tesla (sorry, I know there isn't supposed to be any foul language on this forum) and he can set it up for a driverless scenario, but he is always behind the wheel in case something goes south. I can only imagine something happening when there is no one to correct the AI screw up. What would they say? "OOPS, Sorry we killed your whole family, but look at the bright side, it's all in the name of progress" I'll pass, thanks just the same...
I agree. Maybe I'll think about it when I can go a full work day without Solidworks crashing at work. I'll be even more on board when my work computer can go a week or two without having some sort of a glitch.

On the other hand even an automated car with a glitch would probably be better drivers than half of the people I encounter on a daily basis and would also use the blinker a heck of a lot more.