Kraton Kraton 6S V5 BLX - Best 6S Battery / Charger 2024?

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My son has been playing with a Hyper Go that he loves and has a blast with, he got for Christmas last year. He wants to upgrade to something “with real power, that I can mod and work on”. Long story short, we’ve bought the Kraton 6S V5 BLX for his birthday at the end of July. Shhhh!!

Ok, so been cruising these chats for a while, LTL FTP, and I’ve seen posts like this, but not recently. I believe in investing good money for good products, so I’m willing to spend up to another $500-ish for 2 6S batteries, a charger, a battery case, and an extinguisher, because his “garage” will be my his/my upstairs office/gaming room.

What are the current best batteries? Still the CNHL 90C? Or the 70C G+? Or something else entirely? And what charger would be best for two 6S batteries?

Thanks in advance.
Take a look here for the battery load tests. Battery C ratings are all fake so a real scientific test is your best bet on knowing what is actually a good lipo.
If you go with CNHL their G+ 70c is their top performing cells. The 90c is very durable but less of a punch.

For chargers check the wattage rating and ignore all other specs.
The Jens Ace IMARS D300 is pretty good for the price. Otherwise iSDT & Hota are usually top picks. (just double check if they are DC or AC chargers)
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I second @LibertyMKiii . Really can't go wrong with Gens. SMC makes great batteries also, but if you want quality simplified, Gens has their own version of the "smart stuff" that actually is reasonably priced, and performs better than Spektrum and Traxxas. My take.
Take a look here for the battery load tests. Battery C ratings are all fake so a real scientific test is your best bet on knowing what is actually a good lipo.
If you go with CNHL their G+ 70c is their top performing cells. The 90c is very durable but less of a punch.

For chargers check the wattage rating and ignore all other specs.
The Jens Ace IMARS D300 is pretty good for the price. Otherwise iSDT & Hota are usually top picks. (just double check if they are DC or AC chargers)
Thanks for the info, and the link! 🤯 lots of information to digest. The IMARS D300 is the one I already had my eye on from previous posts, but wasn’t sure if it had changed.

smc racing batteries are top quality
Thank you for the input. Have always read good things about this one too.
Stick with the more popular brands of chargers such as Gens, ISDT, Hota, SkyRC. I run many of the budget branded batteries found on amazon, and while I haven't had any major issues, they definitely don't deliver the performance of the aforementioned brands of batteries. At least not consistently.