Kevin Talbot is.....

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Notorious J

It's gonna break, so might as well send it!
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Kevin Talbot is easily the biggest rc YouTuber on the planet today. So many years of watching this guy "entertain" us with his "durability" tests and outlandish stunts. Can't help to think how many new people in the hobby see his sh!t then go out and destroy their rigs on the first day. What about the poor parents who have to pay to repair or replace all the damage, or the young adults (and older ones too) that spent their last penny buying into the rc hobby, just to find out that they can't do what Kevin Talbot and his buddies do, without having the bank roll to back it up? His latest video has him dropping fork lift forks on a brand new KEXB 6s. WTF! Now he's making millions on raffles as well. Kudos to him for turning a fun hobby into a lucrative business, but shouldn't someone with his reach at least try to tell the viewers that it's dangerous and costly to try to attempt the stunts that he and his gang are doing? I also want to extend the blame to the rc companies who keep sending him products, as it's very beneficial to them in reaching his over 2.7M followers, but knowing that those viewers expectations in the products will never be met. I created a thread about what we break each day a long time ago, and anyone that follows it knows how costly this hobby is. People like Kevin Talbot found a way to make money on it. I commented as such on his latest video. His reply, "Ok mum 😂😂"

**flood gates opening**
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Well you made the case before we even start the conversation when you said…2.7M followers. He must be doing something right.
He is definitely popular and making lots of money because of it, and I don't fault him for that. Just wondering if there should be an ethical standard in place to make sure that unexpecting buyers aren't burning up money trying to emulate their hero. A simple warning at the start of each video telling people that what you are about to see is not what was intended by the manufacturers of said products. Just imagine what it would be like if everyone took their 1:1 cars out and tried to copy Ken Block. See where I'm going with this.
I will contribute, as I watched this hours ago. Its at least clean (no sex, drugs, felony level offenses), kid friendly and entertaining. I think the fact that he can be an adult clown is somewhat entertaining.

Some of his early stuff about how to be rich is scam worthy. I really don't think he is that well off, he may have expensive toys but can't afford the cost to play with them. He does the RC raffles which is a cash flow generator so I think he is paycheck to paycheck.
Maybe he's not completely responsible.... and he's sure not the only one making money off it. idk I got bored of watching him but thought he seemed like a reasonably straight shooter having fun and making a buck. There are so many shills out there, I pretty much give anyone who isn't a free pass.
Kevin is saying in his video you should not drop RCs from forklifts, because it can break them.
So... what's you point?
What about dropping the forks down onto the truck? Doesn't it beg the question "why"? I started this thread to see how people view him. Appreciate you taking the time to reply

Maybe he's not completely responsible.... and he's sure not the only one making money off it. idk I got bored of watching him but thought he seemed like a reasonably straight shooter having fun and making a buck. There are so many shills out there, I pretty much give anyone who isn't a free pass.
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Like I said, I don't relieve the manufacturers of part of the responsibility. Thanks for your reply.
Didn't he just move to the Isle of Mann or something? I mean, the guys got a 1:1 monster truck and a Lambo, or similar, that's not likely a paycheck to paycheck scenario.
As to a warning in each video, IDK about all that. Common sense can't be derived from a message on screen. I think if an absentee parent is giving Johnny "Carte Blanche", Johnny should blow every penny to teach dumb parents a thing or two..🤷‍♂️ there's no substitute for parental supervision.
Now, I say this as a man who grew up (almost) with no internet or social media, but we did raise 2 girls, now 25 and 30 years old.
It's entertainment to me & not direction. Chaos ensues for young, unknowing viewers to think what he does is ok. I was amazed when he destroyed that 1/5 scale $5000 Primal at the skate park. But he did. And that's his thing.
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It's entertainment to me & not direction. Chaos ensues for young, unknowing viewers to think what he does is ok. I couldn't stand it when he destroyed that 1/5 scale $5000 Primal at the skate park. But he did. And that's his thing.
The more he destroys, the more popular he gets. People are infatuated with this behavior. Remember Jackass and Nitro Circus? Theres legions of crippled followers from that crap. I loved watching, but wasn't reenacting..
I though people move to the Isle of Man to commit tax evasion. We need someone from UK to give us the low down on the Isle of Man if its an upgrade or downgrade.
Once again, some may find my attitude as too negative, but I personally don't care for the guy. I don't hate him, (no ill will) but I just don't feel someone should get wealthy like that off of social media, and DEFINITELY not off of get rich scams. I said a few choice words a few years back. He blocked me lol. Which is fine, because I don't need to do that anyway. I think anyone with half a brain can figure out what he does with RC models is downright destructive physical abuse. I just don't see making money off it. I have opinions on business in general. It's all dirty. Free products for influencers, but will cost YOU an arm & leg. I don't care for that kind of business philosophy. M2C giving free to "testers" to downright abuse while YOU the nobody have to pull money out your rear end for overpriced products. It's dirty. The influencers should pay along with you and I, as well as the product pricing be a BIT more reasonable. My two cents. That's why for anything regarding strength, I look at ADU.
The more he destroys, the more popular he gets. People are infatuated with this behavior. Remember Jackass and Nitro Circus? Theres legions of crippled followers from that crap. I loved watching, but wasn't reenacting..
That's true. And I watched @Notorious J YT & when the video of a $170 Gorgon, brushless on 4s goes 70mph, I went got one. Brushless converted it & I have a blast with it. Mine won't do 70, but it was a informative, & direct video. Real RC stuff. ✌️
That's true. And I watched @Notorious J YT & when the video of a $170 Gorgon, brushless on 4s goes 70mph, I went got one. Brushless converted it & I have a blast with it. Mine won't do 70, but it was a informative, & direct video. Real RC stuff. ✌️
I should have added the disclaimer "don't try this with your Gorgon because Notorious J can also be idiotic at times"