How's your weather?

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What a beautiful day!! 🤙
Been beautiful down here in Florida but flying up to Bemidji Minnesota for my son's bd on 4/20. Not sure how to pack. Hopefully threat of snow is past.
Been beautiful down here in Florida but flying up to Bemidji Minnesota for my son's bd on 4/20. Not sure how to pack. Hopefully threat of snow is past.
My wife just got back from Minneapolis and she said it’s feeling like spring there with some warm days but cool/cold nights. Definitely not shorts and a T-shirt weather yet, though.
My wife just got back from Minneapolis and she said it’s feeling like spring there with some warm days but cool/cold nights. Definitely not shorts and a T-shirt weather yet, though.
Thanks! Yeah been watching weather report lately. Seems they had very little snowfall this winter. My son's a reporter and also anchors for Lakeland PBS and they all say he brought the Florida weather with him.
Well lets see...95 sat...96..sun. and 97 now with 115 heat index. Not even June and pool is officially a hot tub.
Ok... I'm going to explain this the best way I can. You ever see a work horse take a dump on a cool autumn morning and there's steam rolling off it. Well, I'm sitting on top of that dump. That's how humid it is here.
I hate that winter is here already. Couldn't it be RC weather all year round? I feel like I didn't utilise the dry weather enough.