Taiwanese made // Classic American Automotive Parts

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Tex Koder

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I'm all for supporting Taiwan's manufacturing...

But why ship American GM produced dies all the way over there to stamp the parts???

Why not just bring over their raw sheet metal here and produce the parts here?
It makes no sense..

A Taiwanese factory worker is probably a 10th the hourly wage as an American, let alone taxes, benefits, unions etc. Then the added cost of running a steel mill. (Or turning one back on in the US with the epa bs) The 10 grand to ship the tools there would be made back in like the 1st 3 dozen parts. Meanwhile the US factory can remain shuttered and torn down, the land subdivided and sold to Blackrock where they'll build high density rental units.
A Taiwanese factory worker is probably a 10th the hourly wage as an American, let alone taxes, benefits, unions etc. Then the added cost of running a steel mill. (Or turning one back on in the US with the epa bs) The 10 grand to ship the tools there would be made back in like the 1st 3 dozen parts. Meanwhile the US factory can remain shuttered and torn down, the land subdivided and sold to Blackrock where they'll build high density rental units.
Sad but true.:(
A Taiwanese factory worker is probably a 10th the hourly wage as an American, let alone taxes, benefits, unions etc. Then the added cost of running a steel mill. (Or turning one back on in the US with the epa bs) The 10 grand to ship the tools there would be made back in like the 1st 3 dozen parts. Meanwhile the US factory can remain shuttered and torn down, the land subdivided and sold to Blackrock where they'll build high density rental units.
Bullseye Axes GIF by Sweet Axe Throwing Co.
The 2006-2008 GM injection molding tools were probably bought at auction because they're old enough. I believe the mfg only needs to supply parts for 10 years. They rest of it, they're doing what China does and reverse engineering existing US designs. I will give it to them that a: it's a niche hobby and there's an underserved market rather than some nefarious reason and b: they are actually trying to do a good job, the sheetmetal is thick, the parts fit well etc.

It is a shame that setting up an operation like this is so much cheaper outside the US. Our EPA laws/fees, wages, insurance, electricity, raw materials etc, all easily undercut by any number of countries with lower living standards, zero epa restrictions, a state-backed borderline fake economy, questionable worker rights etc etc.

These guys are fine in my book because it's such a random and small classic car market thing. Just picture the rest of it, the Apple's, the Raytheon's etc. I've been doing product design for over 15 years, China is incredibly easy to work with (when things are going well) but you always have to realize your cad goes thru chinadotgov then to whoever you're dealing with. Any environmental concerns you have just ignore them, they don't care about the environment whatsoever. Worked with a company finding factories in mainland china and he found one that dyed leather, except the whole factory floor was outside, just hundreds of tubs. When they were done with a batch, they pulled the stopper and the dye ran down the series of drain tubes into the river. They don't care about people, nature, any of it, just whatever makes a buck.

Steal the cad or reverse engineer the product, produce knock-offs at a vastly reduced price, undercut the original product in the market until their business suffers, then buy the original company when their stock is low enough, now they own the IP and no one can compete with the reduced cost. Has happened hundreds of times.
It is a shame that setting up an operation like this is so much cheaper outside the US.
What do you feel about the current car industry? The "new GM" and all the rest who go out of their way to tear down factories in the U.S and build up abroad? Is that okay?
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What do you feel about the current car industry? The "new GM" and all the rest who go out of their way to tear down factories in the U.S and build up abroad? Is that okay?
Depends on what your goals are. If you're the CEO and you just dropped your mfg costs by 40% by moving the factory to some 3rd world hellhole, then great, enjoy your bonus. If you used to work in that factory, as did everyone else in the town, and now it's gone, you probably have a different opinion.

What I don't like is the Net Zero or Green reasons they use to kneecap US Manufacturing, impose huge fees, regulations etc while ignoring that China is building new coal powerplants every 6 months and literally producing more emissions than the rest of the industrialized world combined. I don't believe I've seen Gretta in China or the Stop Oil people blocking a road in China. They're colonizing Africa, building highways to get easier access to the mines. They made deals with the Taliban right after we pulled out, to get access to the Lithium deposits. They're swallowing up huge parts of the South China Sea that are international waters and claiming ownership over the deposits there.

I've had numerous people tell me that the US is a service economy now and our mfg is over, which when dealing with the US-only manufacturers I select for my company, is simply not true. We have enormous potential, generate huge quantities of food and have enough oil in the ground to last another several centuries. Some regulations are necessary of course, I also don't want the sky to be yellow, but the rest of this is designed to make us weak and dependent on others. Don't have a garden, don't raise animals, don't own a house, live in a rented cube in a 15 minute city. You'll own nothing and be happy. We're steps away from an open air tax farm as it is, throw in a CBDC and a social credit score and we're done. You're a servant on your best behavior or you're screwed.
Depends on what your goals are. If you're the CEO and you just dropped your mfg costs by 40% by moving the factory to some 3rd world hellhole, then great, enjoy your bonus. If you used to work in that factory, as did everyone else in the town, and now it's gone, you probably have a different opinion.

What I don't like is the Net Zero or Green reasons they use to kneecap US Manufacturing, impose huge fees, regulations etc while ignoring that China is building new coal powerplants every 6 months and literally producing more emissions than the rest of the industrialized world combined. I don't believe I've seen Gretta in China or the Stop Oil people blocking a road in China. They're colonizing Africa, building highways to get easier access to the mines. They made deals with the Taliban right after we pulled out, to get access to the Lithium deposits. They're swallowing up huge parts of the South China Sea that are international waters and claiming ownership over the deposits there.

I've had numerous people tell me that the US is a service economy now and our mfg is over, which when dealing with the US-only manufacturers I select for my company, is simply not true. We have enormous potential, generate huge quantities of food and have enough oil in the ground to last another several centuries. Some regulations are necessary of course, I also don't want the sky to be yellow, but the rest of this is designed to make us weak and dependent on others. Don't have a garden, don't raise animals, don't own a house, live in a rented cube in a 15 minute city. You'll own nothing and be happy. We're steps away from an open air tax farm as it is, throw in a CBDC and a social credit score and we're done. You're a servant on your best behavior or you're screwed.
Detailed reply. So....'new world order?' Lol. New world order of greed and control. No longer what country you're from, but what corporation you represent. Reminds me of OCP in Robocop. Maybe....a caste system based on wealth and lack thereof. We are definitely allowed to 'own' less and less. Includes even music. Phasing out physical media in favor of RENTING music services, or 'owning' albums in the CLOUD. That's one example. Vehicles at ridiculous prices where the average working poor family is forced to lease to have something....anything to drive that won't fall apart as they're going down the road. The Big Three no longer making CARS for the average person/family, (all suv's and $65,000-$100,000+ pickup trucks) no compact trucks in favor of the growing mid-size to get around the EPA. Not allowing the poor to have mini housing because tiny houses don't suck up enough expensive energy they want to charge you for. No. We own less and less. Next to nothing. Do you see all this as an ethical issue, or are you simply an observer watching the 💩 show unfold?

Edit - also, would you say that U.S big business owners moving everything abroad, then selling foreign manufactured product back to fellow U.S citizens is slowly moving this country towards being an empty husk? Treasonous? Not very patriotic imo. Using one's own country to hoard it's wealth and not circulate it back enough to sustain it. The federal reserve printing more to keep circulation going, while the rich keep sucking it away, hoarding more and more like the game of hungry hungry hippos. It can only go on for so long. The freedom to rip one's own country off to make profit to the point they could never spend it all in multiple lifetimes..... what do you think of that?
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Detailed reply. So....'new world order?' I must say, we are allowed to 'own' less and less. Includes even music. Phasing out physical media in favor of RENTING music services, or 'owning' albums in the CLOUD. One example. Vehicles at ridiculous prices where the average working poor family is forced to lease to have something....anything to drive that won't fall apart as they're going down the road. Big three not making cars for the average person, (all suv's and $65,000-$100,000+ trucks) not making small trucks in favor of growing mid-size to get around the EPA etc etc etc. Not letting the poor have mini housing because tiny houses don't suck up enough expensive energy they want to charge for. No. We own less and less. Next to nothing. Do you see all this as an ethical issue, or are you simply an observer watching the 💩 show unfold?
Basically the image below, but yea, sit back and look out for #1 as this sh*t show unfolds. What am I supposed to do? Other than irritating everyone during otherwise polite conversation and occasionally blowing someone's mind or getting in an argument about powers that neither I, nor whatever poor soul I happen to have the ear of, can control. My local town officials don't give a sh*t about what I want, my state reps, my gov? Near zero impact on congress/senate voting to popular opinion.

It's getting nasty and seems like it's headed to a boil-over at some point, but that's what "they" want. They want the chaos ->martial law ->revolt/civil war ->UN peacekeepers->Balkanization of the US into 7-9 different countries. Some Soros plan from decades ago. CBDC may just quell the whole thing into debt slaves earlier, another pandemic to kill off the masses etc etc. Who knows. God's in charge, I'm just along for the ride.

Basically the image below, but yea, sit back and look out for #1 as this sh*t show unfolds. What am I supposed to do? Other than irritating everyone during otherwise polite conversation and occasionally blowing someone's mind or getting in an argument about powers that neither I, nor whatever poor soul I happen to have the ear of, can control. My local town officials don't give a sh*t about what I want, my state reps, my gov? Near zero impact on congress/senate voting to popular opinion.

It's getting nasty and seems like it's headed to a boil-over at some point, but that's what "they" want. They want the chaos ->martial law ->revolt/civil war ->UN peacekeepers->Balkanization of the US into 7-9 different countries. Some Soros plan from decades ago. CBDC may just quell the whole thing into debt slaves earlier, another pandemic to kill off the masses etc etc. Who knows. God's in charge, I'm just along for the ride.

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I don't know about Soros. Wouldn't you say there are those well above him? Maybe he's just one among many more. Why do so many just focus on HIM? I agree, we are all on a ride. As far as God, if God is in charge, then wouldn't you call that a absentee landlord? Lol, a 'Devil's Advocate' movie reference. But, really...sounds like a judgmental megalomaniac of a deity. A narcissistic, "jealous" God who says you're an unworthy sinner for merely being born. That is, if you referred to the judeo-Christian deity. If God is in charge, then he's doing a $hitty job of giving a crap. Or are WE (mankind) as a collective in charge? Like Rorschach said in the Watchmen movie. "God doesn’t make the world this way...we do." What's funny, is the irony that awareness is the very God it searches for. What is God? OUTSIDE of awareness? Maybe not. Maybe we're not so separate. Think of an awareness without the experience of the self. No ego. Maybe we need to stop being so greedy, quit clinging so tightly to the idea of the self. Think of so-called others as you. In other words, get over ourselves. I suppose I'm waiting for us all to grow up. Mankind.

Oh, and hey. I'm not looking or wanting to ruin polite conversation. Not after negativity/anger. Only wanted to share a different perspective. You know you're free to disagree. I value members of this forum and mean no disrespect. Thanks for the replies.
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How did the topic of Taiwanese sheet metal stamping of old American car parts morph into New World Order and if God is actually in charge...?

I'm Not sure, but that's what make this RC forum so interesting.
I love it!

lol, I'm not sure I'm 100% at fault, but certainly had a hand in that spiral.

Let's see, exporting US mfg -> weakening the US intentionally -> evil globalists -> new world order -> Armageddon -> relax, God's in charge. Something like that 🍻
How did the topic of Taiwanese sheet metal stamping of old American car parts morph into New World Order and if God is actually in charge...?

I'm Not sure, but that's what make this RC forum so interesting.
I love it!

I was joking about the new world order. I can be a bit like Bob Newhart sometimes. As far as God, I didn't quite get a read on how he meant it, so I touched on the judeo-Christian one. But, I HOPE my out-there weirdness doesn't anger anyone. If it's at least interesting, (even if it's just a laugh that I'm coo coo) that's alright with me.

lol, I'm not sure I'm 100% at fault, but certainly had a hand in that spiral.

Let's see, exporting US mfg -> weakening the US intentionally -> evil globalists -> new world order -> Armageddon -> relax, God's in charge. Something like that 🍻
Or like, relax, (Bill Hicks) it's just a ride.
This 454 camaro I helped build had all Taiwan stamped floor pans installed. It really aggravated me..

I've been told the dies are sold off because they are out of spec and un-usable by our standards. Which would explain why all these parts are close to fitting but not quiet- ever.
