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Yeah those strict gun laws are really paying off.:rolleyes:
Makes it easy to sort out the good guys and bad guys.

They must be a bad guy if they have a gun.

True story. My nephew was told by a teacher that anybody with a gun is a bad guy. I was surprised my brother in law didn't sue them over that.
Media has been running wild out of control. I'm all about free speech but not false reporting. My Governor is trying to clamp down on this. I'm all about it personally.

The problem is, if they are allowed to restrict free speech it will escalate. The largest propagators of BS are the politicians themselves. The difference is, I believe the BS "my guy" says and everyone else is "fake news". Their job is to propagate BS. Because if there are no problems they have no job. They don't want to solve problems just argue about them. Right now they are loving it, because the have something to fight about. It's all BS, it's all made up, they don't care and they don't want to solve the problem.

Let's put this in perspective. By the description of that law it means the every politician, every reporter, every school kid doing a report would be required to register. Then what, the Minister of BS decides what real and what's not?

Let the free speech fly and if I don't like I won't read, listen, watch it I will find something else. Let the people decide.

That would make you soil yourself! :eek:
Karen was Warned to NOT remove the Bull's property from the beach while he's playing with it...
Hard headed Karen didn't listen and got the horns. 💥

Karen was Warned to NOT remove the Bull's property from the beach while he's playing with it...
Hard headed Karen didn't listen and got the horns. 💥

He was just messing around, can't help it if she's a wimp.

The real question is why is there a bull on the beach, why did she think it was a good idea and did no one notice the bull? "Oh that? it's just a bull on the beach. It's normal."
He was just messing around, can't help it if she's a wimp.

The real question is why is there a bull on the beach, why did she think it was a good idea and did no one notice the bull? "Oh that? it's just a bull on the beach. It's normal."

The beach is located next to ranch land..
I thought the bull nearly killed her. Was surprised to see her get up at the end. She probably went back for round two. Can't fix stupid.

She's Lucky the Bull wasn't horn-y...