Your life flashes before your eyes

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I wanted to share this, as it has had a profound change on my life. It has been found that your life does truly flash before your eyes when you die. Since reading this article I have made major life changes. It has been almost 2 years since I’ve turned a game console on! I spend a lot more times with my kids, and playing with my RC’s, usually combining the two. The way I see it, I want a really good movie to watch at the end 😁. I hope this article helps you to seize the day, and your dreams!
I wanted to share this, as it has had a profound change on my life. It has been found that your life does truly flash before your eyes when you die. Since reading this article I have made major life changes. It has been almost 2 years since I’ve turned a game console on!

I can totally relate!
I use to be hardcore with PC games..

Haven't turned on any of my gaming PCs since my girls were born..

I spend a lot more times with my kids, and playing with my RC’s, usually combining the two. The way I see it, I want a really good movie to watch at the end 😁. I hope this article helps you to seize the day, and your dreams!

The Best things to happen to me - my Kids and this AF community.
Same man! That’s awesome!

My wife, kids, RC’s, and chatting on here are my favorite things. I don’t even miss the games, even as I am currently just sit here watching Bluey with them and chatting on AF.
But, if I could see a replay of the time I landed those 4 headshots, clearing the way as my buddy ran forward to capture the flag in COD, I might die happy.
But in all seriousness, video games were "time killers" for me when I had nothing better to do. I still play occasionally with my son but ever since I was given custody in 2013, I've had less and less time to kill.
“I've had less and less time to kill.”
I see what you did there …. lol

The Electronics / digital devices will turn our children into the robots the “state” wants them to be if you as a parent allow it …

I ditch about it constantly….

Playing a video game occasionally is one thing
Watching or seeing your child : children glued to screens constantly is another….
It’s not “easy” these days keeping youngsters off screens…

Unless you’re an azzhole like me !! lol

I just made my 13 yr old delete “tic toc” off his phone the other day … Now thats memories rite there …
I don’t want to take things away from them..

In fact quite the opposite!
I want them to have the “self discipline” to limit themselves…..
If they cannot limit themselves in regards to screen time and “consciously “ understanding that it’s not natural for a human to live in or on a digital device then I’m here to help !!! 😀

I took boys skating yesterday and of course there were video games there
They be like dad dad dad can we ….
Hell no

Let’s roll we are here to skate !!

I Love my sons to def …
but I’ll launch a fuggin phone or iPad or Xbox , PlayStation, laptop, whatever with the quickness …
zero fugs given

I didn’t use to be so chitty about it …
Until I noticed that MY voice was not heard when boys staring at a screen !!!!

Mfer say what ???

“But I’m in the middle of a “match” !!!”

That was the deal breaker for me .
I have 3 sons
When i speak EVERYONE (my boys) best be looking at or for me !
I have dubbed it …

I do everything I know to do to make memories with my boys …..

I break my back doing it and I know they will “someday” understand what dad was/ is doing.

as for the life flashing before one’s eyes …

I’m immortal….

Soooo …….
I had 2 near dead experiences as a kid, but i guess i didn't have lived long enough yet, to flash much before my eyes. I don't remember so, certainly no didn't make a lasting impression.

Used to be a die hard pc gamer as well, though played many management/puzzle/co-op games which were time killers yes, but also trained my logic. I don't consider it all as wasted time. Sitting all the time is bad though, that's why i got back into RC x years ago. Just to do something else.

No kids here, but i still partially identify as kid myself ;)
I see what you did there …. lol

The Electronics / digital devices will turn our children into the robots the “state” wants them to be if you as a parent allow it …

I ditch about it constantly….

Playing a video game occasionally is one thing
Watching or seeing your child : children glued to screens constantly is another….
It’s not “easy” these days keeping youngsters off screens…

Unless you’re an azzhole like me !! lol

I just made my 13 yr old delete “tic toc” off his phone the other day … Now thats memories rite there …
I don’t want to take things away from them..

In fact quite the opposite!
I want them to have the “self discipline” to limit themselves…..
If they cannot limit themselves in regards to screen time and “consciously “ understanding that it’s not natural for a human to live in or on a digital device then I’m here to help !!! 😀

I took boys skating yesterday and of course there were video games there
They be like dad dad dad can we ….
Hell no

Let’s roll we are here to skate !!

I Love my sons to def …
but I’ll launch a fuggin phone or iPad or Xbox , PlayStation, laptop, whatever with the quickness …
zero fugs given

I didn’t use to be so chitty about it …
Until I noticed that MY voice was not heard when boys staring at a screen !!!!

Mfer say what ???

“But I’m in the middle of a “match” !!!”

That was the deal breaker for me .
I have 3 sons
When i speak EVERYONE (my boys) best be looking at or for me !
I have dubbed it …

I do everything I know to do to make memories with my boys …..

I break my back doing it and I know they will “someday” understand what dad was/ is doing.

as for the life flashing before one’s eyes …

I’m immortal….

Soooo …….
That’s awesome you get to spend that much time with your boys Ron!

I do sympathize a little bit about the video games and the “hold on one second while I…”. Especially now that a lot of games are online, and there isn’t a pause option.

It’s definitely an interesting time we live in! It’s a time when we are realizing the brain can’t differentiate between a VR experience and a real one. This digital experience opens all sorts of doors for me, as I dislike vacations. I always feel like I need a vacation from the vacation when I get home 😂. With a VR experience, you can visit places you never thought you would, like space!

This is purely my speculation, but after all the concussion studies I’ve read, I see a world quickly changing from physical players on a field to e-sports. The number of kids being put into contact sports is decreasing because of the awareness. I don’t think it’s long before E-sports overtakes traditional sports (10-20 years at max). Then it’ll be the nerds that are the jocks 😂
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It’s definitely an interesting time we live in! It’s a time when we are realizing the brain can’t differentiate between a VR experience and a real one. This digital experience opens all sorts of doors for me, as I dislike vacations. I always feel like I need a vacation from the vacation when I get home 😂. With a VR experience, you can visit places you never thought you would, like space!
"What is "real"? How do you define "real"? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then "real" is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain." -- Morpheus (The Matrix, 1999)

"Real" is a strange concept, especially when you consider that what we see, isn't the real physical world, it's simply our brain's interpretation of a tiny sliver of the electro-magnetic spectrum that our eyes have adapted to receive over the course of millions and millions of years.

It's not surprising that our brain can, without much difficulty, take VR for reality.
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"What is "real"? How do you define "real"? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then "real" is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain." -- Morpheus (The Matrix, 1999)

"Real" is a strange concept, especially when you consider that what we see, isn't the real physical world, it's simply our brains interpretation of a tiny sliver of the electro-magnetic spectrum that our eyes have adapted to receive over the course of millions and millions of years.

It's not surprising that our brain can, without much difficulty, take VR for reality.
View attachment 352498
Matrix was such a great movie! Too bad ‘Dark City’ wasn’t more of a hit.

Thats a good point about being visually limited with our experiences. There’s a similar story with sound. Things like - tomato plants make high pitch noises to alert when they are low on water. Things are happening all around us that we cannot see or hear.
Matrix was such a great movie! Too bad ‘Dark City’ wasn’t more of a hit.

Thats a good point about being visually limited with our experiences. There’s a similar story with sound. Things like - tomato plants make high pitch noises to alert when they are low on water. Things are happening all around us that we cannot see or hear.

You know..
With advancements in genetics, We can All have capabilities to Hear and See beyond our current abilities....

The question is -Are we willing to accept what it entails??

>> Can you imagine humans walking around with ears as Big as bats proportionally to our skulls?
Or multi-lens eyeballs like an insect... Just so we can have those kinds of "talents"??
You know..
With advancements in genetics, We can All have capabilities to Hear and See beyond our current abilities....

The question is -Are we willing to accept what it entails??

>> Can you imagine humans walking around with ears as Big as bats proportionally to our skulls?
Or multi-lens eyeballs like an insect... Just so we can have those kinds of "talents"??
I dunno, people are already walking around looking silly without those special abilities. Queue Apple glasses 🤣
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That’s awesome you get to spend that much time with your boys Ron!

I do sympathize a little bit about the video games and the “hold on one second while I…”. Especially now that a lot of games are online, and there isn’t a pause option.

It’s definitely an interesting time we live in! It’s a time when we are realizing the brain can’t differentiate between a VR experience and a real one. This digital experience opens all sorts of doors for me, as I dislike vacations. I always feel like I need a vacation from the vacation when I get home 😂. With a VR experience, you can visit places you never thought you would, like space!

This is purely my speculation, but after all the concussion studies I’ve read, I see a world quickly changing from physical players on a field to e-sports. The number of kids being put into contact sports is decreasing because of the awareness. I don’t think it’s long before E-sports overtakes traditional sports (10-20 years at max). Then it’ll be the nerds that are the jocks 😂
I wouldn’t have it any other way …

I wake my boys up every morning
And put them to bed every evening….
They are with “papa bear” 99% of the time and only leve my side when I say it’s ok to do so
I’m the mutha fuggin GRAN POOO BAAA

The whole “BIG TRUCK SCENARIO” started when my boys were very young …

I will not be that “parent” you see at the Walmarts “asking” their child to do or not do something, promising a candy bar IF they be good

Or watching some child throw a tantrum on the floor whist “parent” waits it out or deals with said tantrum with promises of gifts or prizes

Again I have 3 boys
3 miniature Ron Burgandys

I will not say things twice to 3 different boys
Thats like 6 times

When they were young er I would say …

Pretend you’re running towards a busy road playing grab azz with yo brothers not paying attention to anything else just laughing and giggling chasing each other…
Pretend Dad hollers your name , you hear dad but your like fug that I gotsta get away from my brother in this game of tag and then BAMMMM you get smoked by a fuggin dump truck cause you ran out in the road , because…. You didn’t stop when dad said your name
Hence big truck scenario!

I don’t fug around about it really

It all comes down to one word
Respect the fact I been wiping your ass and cleaning up puke for 13 yrs x 3
Respect the fact I’m your dad and I fuggin said so .
I actually respect the fact my boys didn’t ask to be born .

There are a lot of things I don’t really care about that other parents might ….
Omg ….

There is a time and place for everything….
If my boys want to vocalize with words that someone somewhere decided were “bad” then by all means vocalize…
However….. if a lil Burgandy decides to use “bad words “ at the wrong time or the wrong place “ ie.. disrespecting someone whether inadvertently or not …

I will “beat a baby”
Or as I like to say in public ….
“You want another case of shaken baby syndrome”?
For the record …. I fuggin use “bad words” afugginlot….
However, I don’t do it at the Walmarts (unless I need to) so as not to disrespect anyone..
Ie .. respect

I could go on and on …
I do what I know to do to raise 3 good dudes
In just a few years they will be on their own and hopefully I will have instilled at least a couple solid positive character traits in each of them ..
However…. I’m still their DAD

I would hope they would respect that when they get older
If not
Fug it I’ll still roll with em !!!!
Boys better bring their lunch !

FYI 2 of my boys do NOT use profanities…

Thats a decision they made on their own ..
Im perfectly fuggin fine with it ….

Profanities was just an example of some of the things society says are BAD ….
But are confusing to a youngster…

Kids are usually really smart ….

They have known rite from wrong since birf
I’m just the reminder…
If I catch my boys wearing that VR chit !!!
No ooooo
The younger years are the best. I kept my daughter in line by threatening to walk her to school, holding her hand while skipping and singing "Skippity Doo Dah". My son was easier, just threaten to either change the wifi password or "accidently" delete the Playstation saves. He is classically what we are talking about here, "electronic kid". Got into this hobby during Covid with him as an attempt to get him off his electronics. It held his interest for a couple months. Now he thinks I need to "grow up" while all his friends think I'm cool with cool toys. And I bet more than one or two of their parents hate me at Christmas or Bdays..
The younger years are the best. I kept my daughter in line by threatening to walk her to school, holding her hand while skipping and singing "Skippity Doo Dah". My son was easier, just threaten to either change the wifi password or "accidently" delete the Playstation saves. He is classically what we are talking about here, "electronic kid". Got into this hobby during Covid with him as an attempt to get him off his electronics. It held his interest for a couple months. Now he thinks I need to "grow up" while all his friends think I'm cool with cool toys. And I bet more than one or two of their parents hate me at Christmas or Bdays..
I personally don’t see anything wrong with a kid liking electronics. I loved electronics growing up as a kid. I did coding on my TI-83 calculator, and playing Command and Conquer on a computer I built using my dialup connection. Here I am, all these years later, still writing code and working on electronics. It really consumes my mind, so I work on enterprise hardware and software projects simultaneously, and love every minute of my job.

My dad was not about that life, every electronic device was taken. Sometimes I wonder if I still would've ended up in the same career path had I not had to fight so hard to be in it.
I wouldn’t have it any other way …

I wake my boys up every morning
And put them to bed every evening….
They are with “papa bear” 99% of the time and only leve my side when I say it’s ok to do so
I’m the mutha fuggin GRAN POOO BAAA

The whole “BIG TRUCK SCENARIO” started when my boys were very young …

I will not be that “parent” you see at the Walmarts “asking” their child to do or not do something, promising a candy bar IF they be good

Or watching some child throw a tantrum on the floor whist “parent” waits it out or deals with said tantrum with promises of gifts or prizes

Again I have 3 boys
3 miniature Ron Burgandys

I will not say things twice to 3 different boys
Thats like 6 times

When they were young er I would say …

Pretend you’re running towards a busy road playing grab azz with yo brothers not paying attention to anything else just laughing and giggling chasing each other…
Pretend Dad hollers your name , you hear dad but your like fug that I gotsta get away from my brother in this game of tag and then BAMMMM you get smoked by a fuggin dump truck cause you ran out in the road , because…. You didn’t stop when dad said your name
Hence big truck scenario!

I don’t fug around about it really

It all comes down to one word
Respect the fact I been wiping your ass and cleaning up puke for 13 yrs x 3
Respect the fact I’m your dad and I fuggin said so .
I actually respect the fact my boys didn’t ask to be born .

There are a lot of things I don’t really care about that other parents might ….
Omg ….

There is a time and place for everything….
If my boys want to vocalize with words that someone somewhere decided were “bad” then by all means vocalize…
However….. if a lil Burgandy decides to use “bad words “ at the wrong time or the wrong place “ ie.. disrespecting someone whether inadvertently or not …

I will “beat a baby”
Or as I like to say in public ….
“You want another case of shaken baby syndrome”?
For the record …. I fuggin use “bad words” afugginlot….
However, I don’t do it at the Walmarts (unless I need to) so as not to disrespect anyone..
Ie .. respect

I could go on and on …
I do what I know to do to raise 3 good dudes
In just a few years they will be on their own and hopefully I will have instilled at least a couple solid positive character traits in each of them ..
However…. I’m still their DAD

I would hope they would respect that when they get older
If not
Fug it I’ll still roll with em !!!!
Boys better bring their lunch !

FYI 2 of my boys do NOT use profanities…

Thats a decision they made on their own ..
Im perfectly fuggin fine with it ….

Profanities was just an example of some of the things society says are BAD ….
But are confusing to a youngster…

Kids are usually really smart ….

They have known rite from wrong since birf
I’m just the reminder…
If I catch my boys wearing that VR chit !!!
No ooooo
The big truck metaphor makes sense now!! I like it! I’ve tried to establish a ‘tone’, so my kids know when I’m serious. So when I need them to do something immediately, they recognize the tone and immediately they know dad is being serious right now.

Honestly, the way I’m raising my kids causes a little bit of anxiety for me. I’m what you would call a “crunchy” parent. Unfortunately, crunchy often gets mistaken for permissive, which it’s completely not. There are some similarities initially on how we deal with things, but there are no empty threats or bribing. I instead have to swallow my big feelings, get down on their level, and talk to them like a grown little human. It’s tough man, real tough. Especially when my first instinct is to do as my father did, which was to just snatch you up and straighten you out. Crunchy is all about natural consequences, but there are actual consequences. Its just real tough to find a natural consequence in the moment when your kid is throwing a fit in the middle of the store 🤣.

The anxiety comes from knowing that others are staring at me as I’m parenting my kid in this method, and i know what they are thinking, because I’m also thinking it too.

I did tons TONS of research, read books, and recent scientific studies to help me, because I like researching. In the end we chose to model our parenting style a lot like the Australians. Those people are really happy, and very well rounded. Now I find myself watching Bluey and trying to be that dad 🤣.
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The big truck metaphor makes sense now!! I like it! I’ve tried to establish a ‘tone’, so my kids know when I’m serious. So when I need them to do something immediately, they recognize the tone and immediately they know dad is being serious right now.

Honestly, the way I’m raising my kids causes a little bit of anxiety for me. I’m what you would call a “crunchy” parent. Unfortunately, crunchy often gets mistaken for permissive, which it’s completely not. There are some similarities initially on how we deal with things, but there are no empty threats or bribing. I instead have to swallow my big feelings, get down on their level, and talk to them like a grown little human. It’s tough man, real tough. Especially when my first instinct is to do as my father did, which was to just snatch you up and straighten you out. Crunchy is all about natural consequences, but there are actual consequences. Its just real tough to find a natural consequence in the moment when your kid is throwing a fit in the middle of the store 🤣.

The anxiety comes from knowing that others are staring at me as I’m parenting my kid in this method, and i know what they are thinking, because I’m also thinking it too.

I did tons TONS of research, read books, and recent scientific studies to help me, because I like researching. In the end we chose to model our parenting style a lot like the Australians. Those people are really happy, and very well rounded. Now I find myself watching Bluey and trying to be that dad 🤣.
Crunchy is an exact metaphor, seeing how different people react. When I was " brain dead" for a short period, I actually felt quite peacefully. I recently had a quite massive stroke & I really remember my mother telling me to wake up, repeatedly. She said so, wake up. I finally woke up...
I personally don’t see anything wrong with a kid liking electronics. I loved electronics growing up as a kid. I did coding on my TI-83 calculator, and playing Command and Conquer on a computer I built using my dialup connection. Here I am, all these years later, still writing code and working on electronics. It really consumes my mind, so I work on enterprise hardware and software projects simultaneously, and love every minute of my job.

My dad was not about that life, every electronic device was taken. Sometimes I wonder if I still would've ended up in the same career path had I not had to fight so hard to be in it.
It’s different than liking elections…
Hell if boys want to take toaster apart and make whatever… have at it …
But when curled up in the fetal position watching phone ….
Ya nope …..

And I’ll be honest
I’m guilty of empty threats too often …
Dam kids