RC related injury?

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Anyone have any RC related injuries? I just received my first on Monday, out bashing at a track with my ol man in which we both were out of each others line of sight he approached the jump I was standing behind and I caught a Typhon 6s to the back of the head and received 5 staples. Could’ve been worse, you live and you learn🤦‍♂️🙌
It's a Fun hobby but always an element of danger involved. These rigs are heavy missiles. I had a track a decade ago that we ran 1/5th scale 40 lb. Beast's on. Had to lay down some pretty stringent rules for all participants including mandatory tx kill switches. Seen to many runaways. Glad your Ok. Could of been your face.
Damn dude! So now you can start your stories with..."and there I was, one last 30 round magazine, my rifle, and my back turned, I called in EOD, they sent an RC car for reconnaissance and WHAM!" 😂

Glad you're okay.
Oh yeah man, I've had an interaction or two hahaha. This is about 2 weeks ago. Gotta stay safe out there, but stuff happens!

Also bro, you're an absolute tank for eating that shot. Scary stuff, but what a battle scar! Kudos..
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No vid unfortunately but was running our fifth scales at park and a guy had a runaway. Went full bore across park into a residential yard, jumped sidewalk and became airborne hitting a block house and taking a chunk out of the cinder block.
I've had to leap frog my Noto a few times when I let my youngest 2, 8 and 9, run it. They are still working on spacial awareness. My 13 year old daughter was running a Granite and slammed into my wifes ankle with it at near full speed, didn't break her ankle but it swole up twice its normal size and was black and blue halfway up her shin. Glad your ok, coulda been worse.
Bro, that is pretty hardcore. There's gotta be a forum award for that or something. :D

Glad it wasn't worse, cause it definitely could have been.

There should be an RC Gladiator/Thunderdome badge..

tina turner auntie entity GIF

... IF You survive...
They do leave scares!
Hit my foot with my limitless, a granite same spot few weeks later. Outcast 4s v1 to the chest,face off the jump was like ice. I was standing to the side but too far back and did not see the direction change till too late. Might of been to the side but way too close. Surprise surprise 😲
Holy crap dude! Arrma should use your picture as a safety warning on their boxes lol. In all seriousness, glad it wasn't worse than what it is. The power of these rigs is no joke. To date my worst RC injury are just a few cuts and scrapes on my shin from the sharp points & edges on the wings. Bash on brother 🍻